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Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/26/12
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 3/26/12

Meeting Opened at: 9:10am
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson and Scott Jenssen
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Maggie Leonard for the Monterey News, Daniel Moriarity (Finance Committee), Stanley Ross (Finance Committee), Scott Gennari, Muriel Lazzarini and Pat Rodriguez

The board met with Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus’ regarding the following:
1.  Domestic on Main Rd, GBPD provided mutual aid – arrest made.
2.  Erratic operator stopped on RT 57 – medical condition, police assisted
3.  Draft proposed alarm bylaw was reviewed – this will be on the annual town meeting warrant for the town to approve

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Scott Gennari of Gennari Plumbing came in at the Board’s request to discuss the proposal to install a HVAC system in the town hall.  Scott G. described the system being proposed (ductless mini-splits) that will be the most beneficial to the layout of the building and the individual needs of each office in the building; they are very quiet and do not require duct work.  It would include a single zone for the front meeting room (which would only be for cooling), a 3 zone system for the Assessors, Clerk and Police Office’s and a 3 zone system for the Tax Collector, Treasurer and Inter-Departmental Secretary’s offices (these two would be heating and cooling).  They can be used as a supplemental heat source and will help offset the main heating system.  The heating system is a reverse a/c system.  The Board approved putting an article on the warrant to install an HVAC system in the Tax Collector, Treasurer/Accountant, Inter-Departmental Secretary, Town Clerk and Police offices.  The 2nd phase which would cover the meeting room and Assessor’s office will be looked at next year.
2.  The Board and Finance Committee finalized the proposed FY13 budget:
a.  The Finance Committee and Select Board have agreed to give the full time, part time and elected officials a 4% increase for FY13 (which averages to 2% for last year when no increase were given and 2% for this year) and have agreed with the full time employees to hold off on contracts and discuss this item further over the summer.  It was also agreed to give the full time employees the requested on call and clothing benefits requested (as discussed in previous meetings).
b.  WMH request for $10,000; the Finance Committee feels that they sent out budget requests in December and all other departments submitted theirs by the deadline.  They feel that the WMH submitted their request too late in the game without enough information to support the request and they do not recommend putting this on the warrant at this point in time.  Wayne stated that he received an email from the WMH with a timeline for grants and building/spending.  He stated he was told that the WMH will be applying for various grants totaling over $90,000.  Wayne strongly supported the request, since conditions changed for the funding of capital improvements after the committee had taken on the project-- we have had a deep national recession, making funding for projects much more difficult, and rulings by the state Attorney General have indicated that we may need to pay official prevailing wages on the project, making it much more expensive. He felt that it would be in the best interest of the Town to give this vital support to the current FWMH campaign to improve the town-owned building.  The Select Board approved putting it on the warrant and it will be noted that the Finance Committee does not support this request.
c.  The Parks Department’s request for $10,000 to move the gazebo from the Fire Department to the town beach was not approved due to a lack of information.
d.  The Select Board and Finance Committee both agreed that the Transfer Station sticker fee for FY13 will be raised to $50 per household for 2 stickers (same rules and regulations as last year).
e.  Line #158 (Printing & Stationary) was lowered from $3,500 to $1,500
3.  The minutes from 3.19.12 were approved as written.
4.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Additional signatures were provided on FEMA paperwork for the Highway and Fire Department.
b.  A letter from Ella Carlson with suggestions on how to increase efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle will be forwarded to the Community Garden organizers as most of Ella’s suggestions have to do with composting and the Board felt this would be a good group to start with.
5.  Warrants were signed.
6.  The Board approved and signed the special town meeting warrant and the annual town meeting warrant.
7.  The Inter-Departmental Secretary’s time off request was approved.
8.  The Select Board will not meet next week.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:10am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary via audio recording
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book